Cryptocurrency Simplified

Compute Crypto is an America-based company that specializes in current and emerging blockchain technologies. We maintain highly-secured infrastructure with exceptional service availability. This ensures we protect our assets while gaining maximum returns.

Why Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

With the development of decentralized apps (DApps), more secure and efficient blockchains are desired. The high-cost process of “Mining” is being replaced with “Proof-of-Stake” validation nodes that are more cost effective, faster and more secure.

Why Polkadot?

For a blockchain transaction to be recognized, it must be appended to the blockchain. Validators carry out this appending. In most protocols, they receive a reward for doing so. For the blockchain to remain secure, it must have a mechanism to prevent a malicious user or group from taking over a majority of validation. Proof of stake (PoS) accomplishes this by requiring that validators have some quantity of blockchain tokens, requiring potential attackers to acquire a large fraction of the tokens on the blockchain to mount an attack.


Polkadot is a proof-of-stake blockchain that connects other blockchains together and the future of decentralization is multi-chain interoperability


Polkadot is supported by the Web 3 foundation and offers a robust set of development tools, making building on Polkadot faster and easier


Polkadot is permissionless and utilizes on-chain governance to make upgrading the chain easier, without the need for “forking”

Why Compute Crypto?

Experts in the Polkadot blockchain, we run robust hardware with 99.9% uptime on all of our validator nodes. We implement the highest level of security coupled with an advanced cloud monitoring system which focuses on optimization.



+ Details
  • Implementation of offline account storage (cold wallet)
  • Multi-signature accounts
  • Robust monitoring detection
  • Time delay proxies

Value Proposition

+ Details
  • Exposure to Polkadot Crypocurrency
  • Maximum returns from independently staked validator nodes.


+ Details
  • Polkadot runs on the open-source  substrate framework
  • Web 3 foundation support
  • Robust set of development tools
  • Multi-chain interoperability

Frequently Asked


How are validators rewarded?

Validators are rewarded from the inflation of the Relay Chain, transaction fees, and tips. However, they only take a percentage of the former two. More details can be read on the page for validator payouts.


What is a “BLOCKCHAIN”?

A method of storing data in discrete sections (blocks) that are linked together. Blockchains specify criteria for what data can be stored in a block and reject invalid data.

The submission of blocks to a decentralized blockchain is governed by its consensus mechanism.


What is a “BLOCK”?

A single section of discrete data. Blocks typically comprise a list of transactions or actions to be performed when processing the data in the block.


How often is the interest earned?

Interest earned from being part of the blockchain validation process varies depending on algorithmic selection processes and correlates to time lump investment sum, time spent on the network, and track record of the validation team.

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